Studies show that drivers get closer to bicyclists with helmets

Studies show that drivers get closer to bicyclists with helmets Bike helmets are perhaps the most important safety equipment for cyclists all over New York. They reduce the odds of serious head injuries, brain injuries and even death. They do help, and every cyclist should wear one. That said, there’s one key way in which a helmet actually puts you at risk. Multiple studies have found that [...]

Studies show that drivers get closer to bicyclists with helmets

Spinal cord injuries and unique treatment options

Spinal cord injuries and unique treatment options Among the most difficult types of injuries to treat are spinal cord injuries. In many cases, they do not heal, or the level of healing is very limited. Part of the reason for this is a lack of regeneration by the nerve cells that were injured in the initial accident. They need to create these long nerve fibers to offer [...]

Spinal cord injuries and unique treatment options

Can a brain injury impact your sense of smell?

Can a brain injury impact your sense of smell? Depending on the type of brain injury you suffer from, it can have all manner of negative impacts on your health and your life. Some people struggle with their memory, their mobility and their emotional state. Even within these common areas, the specific issues someone suffers can vary dramatically from person to person. So, as you may have [...]

Can a brain injury impact your sense of smell?

Personality traits and dangerous driving habits

Personality traits and dangerous driving habits Some people seem to have dangerous driving habits that they just cannot shake. They make the same mistakes and take the same chances over and over again. If you have to ride with them or drive around them, you feel like an accident is simply bound to happen at some point. This may not be as random as it feels. In [...]

Personality traits and dangerous driving habits

Falling asleep at the wheel? These tips can help

Falling asleep at the wheel? These tips can help Have you ever nodded off behind the wheel? If you have, you know how frightening it can be. In most cases, it just lasts for a second. But, as your eyes snap back open and you realize you almost fell asleep, adrenaline surges through your body. You know how close you were to a car accident. The best [...]

Falling asleep at the wheel? These tips can help

Family hit by car during police chase

Family hit by car during police chase Police in New York attempted to initiate a traffic stop with a gray Mercedes-Benz, but the driver decided to run from the officers. Police started to follow but then decided it was too dangerous and stopped pursuing. The gray car did not slow down, though. Breaking the speed limit and running through at least one red light, the car careened [...]

Family hit by car during police chase

Head injuries: What is edema?

Head injuries: What is edema? You suffer a head injury in a car accident or a fall. You wind up in the hospital, and the doctors know it’s serious. They diagnose you with edema. What exactly does this mean? Essentially, it is swelling of your brain tissue. The biggest issue with edema, other than the initial injury that caused it, is that the skull is too rigid [...]

Head injuries: What is edema?

Personal injury cases: What kinds of damages can you pursue?

Personal injury cases: What kinds of damages can you pursue? Sometimes, an accident is just an accident. It’s nobody’s fault, and you just got hurt. Other times, the accident happens due to the fault of another party. Perhaps a negligent driver failed to follow the rules of the road and hit you while you were a pedestrian. Maybe a food manufacturer didn’t keep its premises clean, and [...]

Personal injury cases: What kinds of damages can you pursue?

3 things you should know about child bicycle versus car accidents

3 things you should know about child bicycle versus car accidents When an adult is riding a bicycle, he or she is expected to obey all traffic laws and ride responsibly to avoid getting struck by a car. When a child is riding a bicycle, the rules are a little bit different, which is why — in some cases — a child might be able to prevail [...]

3 things you should know about child bicycle versus car accidents