Workplace falls injure people every year

Workplace falls injure people every year As an employee, you know that you could be injured on the job at any time. This is more so the case in some industries than in others, but it may be something that is always in the back of your mind. As a worker, you should do whatever you can to avoid trouble, such as a fall. At the same [...]

Workplace falls injure people every year

Many companies aren’t doing their part in protecting employees

Many companies aren’t doing their part in protecting employees As an employee, you do your part in remaining safe at the workplace. However, what you may not understand is that your employer is not taking the same level of care. Despite the fact that employers have a responsibility to provide workers with a safe environment, this does not always happen. There are companies out there that are [...]

Many companies aren’t doing their part in protecting employees

Prior injuries and workers’ compensation claims

Prior injuries and workers’ compensation claims If there’s one thing workers should know about workers’ compensation insurance, it essentially helps those who cannot work meet their financial obligations as they recover. The benefits stemming from these claims are based on a formula that assigns a particular monetary amount for each type of injury. In some instances, the benefits paid to injured workers is based on the fact [...]

Prior injuries and workers’ compensation claims

What is ulnar nerve entrapment?

What is ulnar nerve entrapment? Cubital tunnel syndrome involves the ulnar nerve, which is known by most as the “funny bone.” Indeed, it can feel rather funny to get your ulnar nerve jolted by a sudden bump against a doorway, but it is not a laughing matter when damage to the ulnar nerve makes it impossible for you to do your job. The ulnar nerve runs down [...]

What is ulnar nerve entrapment?