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Personal injury cases: What kinds of damages can you pursue?

Sometimes, an accident is just an accident. It’s nobody’s fault, and you just got hurt. Other times, the accident happens due to the fault of another party. Perhaps a negligent driver failed to follow the rules of the road and hit you while you were a pedestrian. Maybe a food manufacturer didn’t keep its premises clean, and the food you bought was dangerously contaminated. A lot of things can go wrong that cause you to get hurt, and when another party is to blame, you might be able to pursue financial damages in court.

Here are the kinds of damages that personal injury plaintiffs might be able to pursue:

Medical care

The primary category of damages relates to past, current and future medical costs triggered by the injuries. You might have emergency medical bills, doctors’ consultation costs, X-ray and MRI costs, rehabilitation therapy costs, surgery bills and more.

Lost income

If your injury left you temporarily unable to work, you might be able to claim money to compensate you for lost income.

Pain and suffering

You can also pursue damages for pain and suffering in some cases.


If your injuries left you disfigured or scarred, you might be able to seek financial compensation relating to these difficulties.

There are many other potential categories of damages in a personal injury case — like legal fees, court costs and other expenses. If you’d like to explore your legal options for pursuing compensation after a serious personal injury, contact our Freeport law office. Our personal injury law team is available to assist you with your potential claim for damages.