Why it can be challenging to obtain workers’ compensation benefits

Why it can be challenging to obtain workers' compensation benefits According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, during 2014 alone, roughly three million U.S. workers reported suffering employment-related injuries or illnesses. During this same year, a total of 4,679 workers suffered fatal injuries on the job. These staggering figures raise many troubling and difficult questions with regard to the health and safety of our nation’s workplaces and [...]

Why it can be challenging to obtain workers’ compensation benefits

Why too many regulations may be making the trucking industry less safe

Why too many regulations may be making the trucking industry less safe Anyone who drives has likely experienced some amount of awe and anxiety while pulling up along a large commercial truck. At any given time, there are literally tens if not hundreds of thousands of commercial trucks traveling along our nation’s highways and interstates and while the majority make it safely to their destinations, some are [...]

Why too many regulations may be making the trucking industry less safe