Falling tools can be a workplace hazard

Falling tools can be a workplace hazard In New York, construction workers have always had to worry about falling tools. Back in 1903, the New York Times even ran an article talking about how important it was to secure tools during bridge building. This is something that’s been an issue for a long time, and it still is today, despite advances in technology and workplace safety regulations. [...]

Falling tools can be a workplace hazard

Workplace distractions can lead to accidents

Workplace distractions can lead to accidents You’ve probably heard plenty about how distractions can lead to car accidents and mistakes on New York’s highways. Distractions are blamed for a high amount of wrecks year in and year out. It’s important for workers to know that distractions in the workplace can be just as dangerous. For example, some workers like to wear headphones while they work, so they [...]

Workplace distractions can lead to accidents