Studies show that drivers get closer to bicyclists with helmets

Studies show that drivers get closer to bicyclists with helmets Bike helmets are perhaps the most important safety equipment for cyclists all over New York. They reduce the odds of serious head injuries, brain injuries and even death. They do help, and every cyclist should wear one. That said, there’s one key way in which a helmet actually puts you at risk. Multiple studies have found that [...]

Studies show that drivers get closer to bicyclists with helmets

Your first home: What to look for

Your first home: What to look for You’re searching for your first home. It’s exciting, but you admittedly have no idea what to look for when you walk in the front door. You end up just looking for a home that is aesthetically pleasing, that suits your taste. While this is where many people begin, it can be problematic. Remember, you can change the decorative style of [...]

Your first home: What to look for