Preventing back injuries at work

Preventing back injuries at work From walking and bending to lifting and reaching, all of these motions engage the muscles in the back and, if performed incorrectly, can result in an individual suffering painful injuries. Even the acts of standing and sitting put stress on the lower back region and, over time, can result in muscle weakness and strain. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, 20 [...]

Preventing back injuries at work

Crane collapse highlights daily hazards of construction worksites

Crane collapse highlights daily hazards of construction worksites In this blog, we often discuss the numerous dangers that New York City construction workers face. From suffering falls or being struck by a falling object to mechanical and equipment malfunctions and failures, the construction industry is consistently ranked by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration as being among the most dangerous of all industries. Last Friday morning, residents [...]

Crane collapse highlights daily hazards of construction worksites