The fatality rate among U.S. workers climbed 16 percent last year

The fatality rate among U.S. workers climbed 16 percent last year Imagine kissing your spouse goodbye in the morning as he or she headed off to work and soon thereafter receiving a telephone call that there’s been a terrible accident and your spouse was fatally injured. For the families of 4,679 workers, last year, this nightmare scenario became their reality. The U.S. Labor Department recently released preliminary [...]

The fatality rate among U.S. workers climbed 16 percent last year

Preventing forklift accidents

Preventing forklift accidents A staple at most construction work sites and warehouses, statistics show that the use of forklifts result in the injuries of nearly 100,000 workers in the U.S. each year. The causes of and circumstances that lead to many of these accidents are preventable and rectifiable and employers would be wise to take steps to implement better safety protocols with regard to the use of forklifts. Accidents [...]

Preventing forklift accidents

What is sick building syndrome?

What is sick building syndrome? According to the Cleveland Clinic, the average U.S. adult takes an average of 16 breaths per minute. This means that during a normal eight-hour work day, an employee takes approximately 7,680 breaths. Of course breathing is second nature and most of us don’t give any thought to the action of breathing or to the quality of the air we’re inhaling. There are [...]

What is sick building syndrome?