Hardworking People Deserve
Hardworking Lawyers
Over 75 years of combined legal experience, our lawyers have a proven record of success serving individuals and businesses throughout the New York City metropolitan area.
The threat of moving parts
The threat of moving parts With machines, most of the danger revolves around the moving parts. The way injuries happen may be [...]
What is machine safeguarding?
What is machine safeguarding? Do you work with any type of machinery? If so, you probably realize that an accident could happen [...]
Workplace falls injure people every year
Workplace falls injure people every year As an employee, you know that you could be injured on the job at any time. [...]
Many companies aren’t doing their part in protecting employees
Many companies aren’t doing their part in protecting employees As an employee, you do your part in remaining safe at the workplace. [...]
Safety concerns for nail technicians: Preventing chemical burns
Safety concerns for nail technicians: Preventing chemical burns Most people wouldn’t consider being a nail technician to be a “dangerous” kind of [...]
Elevator worker killed in Brooklyn electricity accident
Elevator worker killed in Brooklyn electricity accident An elevator worker was killed after an electrocution accident at a public housing building in [...]